Monday, 6 February 2017

Depression - The Black Dog

I just finished writing my suicide note; to make sure that if I do get to a point where my suicidal impulse overtakes my cognitive faculties, at least no body is held responsible for the act.

I need to be sure that people know it is because if an illness that I died. Just like people die of cancer, of a stroke etc., I died of Major Depressive Disorder with severe symptoms of suicidal tendencies.

My life is perfect to an outsider (or even to any close relative), I am married, I am blessed with two gorgeous daughters. I am 35 year old, whole life ahead of me; I am physically healthy, with a normal BMI, loving family, most people consider me to be above average in looks. No physical illnesses. 

No illness -  they think. 

But I have been battling with an invisible illness. One which is gnawing me from the inside, one which takes my sleep away, which gores me with dark intrusive thoughts, which makes lose appetite, which gives me vague psychosomatic pains all over my body, one which makes me irritable and unreasonable at times, one which makes me a liability to those around me. 

How does one describe Depression? Most people think Depression is simply a low mood phase triggered by a crisis which one snap out of... 

Stanford University professor (Biology, Neurology and Neurosurgery) Robert Sapolsky who is also a Neuroendocrinologist and Author, says that, "Depression is absolutely crippling, Depression is absolutely pervasive....I will make an argument here that basically Depression is the worst disease you can get".

You will feel numb, empty, hollow from inside. No appetite, no concentration, insomnia/over-sleeping, you will stop enjoying things which gave you pleasure before. You will simply want to kill yourself because you feel worthless, unwanted and ugly. 

Unless you keep getting constant reassurance from the loved ones, you feel unwanted. This takes a toll on relationships. 

A patient of Major Depressive Disorder is very much like a sullen, silent and sulking kid who doesn't even know why he is upset. You give him candy, or his favorite toy, he will still have the same numb expression.

Worst part is, just when you think you are feeling a bit better, it comes back with a vengeance, and it feels that you are cursed to be miserable forever

Watch this WHO video, to find out how Depression hijacks life if it goes untreated.

"I had a black dog, his name was depression"

As WHO states, " its worst, Depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people around the world live with depression. Many of these individuals and their families are afraid to talk about their struggles, and don't know where to turn for help. However, depression is largely preventable and treatable. Recognizing Depression and seeking help is the first and most critical towards recovery."

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Feminists killed gender equality

Something has to be done, someone has to get up and tell the women that they will not find liberation by becoming clones of men. What they are is enough, what they feel is real. These days, I notice women, desperate, wanting to prove that they are like men. 

That they can drive like men, earn like men, dress like men, curse like men, drink and smoke like men, fight like men.. why? 

Because they feel inadequate as a woman.

Have a discussion with anyone - even the most liberated feminist out there - would tell you that to gain respect, to achieve gender equality, women need to become men

They'd convince you that only by giving up their feminine qualities, and mindlessly mastering masculine traits, can they be worthy of respect in the society.

If you can leave your child at home with strangers to earn money, you will achieve gender equality in society.

How did they arrive at these lopsided conclusions? 

Because of their lop sided conditioning. Yes, we need gender equality, but who said that only the masculine aspect is worthy of respect, and every feminine aspect is unworthy?

Instead of making things balanced, we (feminists, particularly modern feminists) have managed to make the gender gap even wider. Ironically, instead of building respect for both feminine and masculine aspects of one's personality, they have managed to glorify only the masculine. 

They have actually increased the hostility that existed between the sexes.

Do the contemporary feminists have any answers? 

Is it about equal rights or special privileges, is it about same respect or female supremacy?

Because it does not look like it is about respect for the feminine, rather it seems more like shunning the feminine and awkwardly converting it into masculine.